11. Hairy Situations

If you say you haven’t thought about completely changing your hair after a minor or major inconvenience, you’re lying to yourself. Why act like you are above being dramatic? We are dramatic creatures and that’s okay. Change is unsettling, so it’s strange why we catapult ourselves into more change by booking a hair appointment and altering our appearance. In the face of change, why change the thing we can control: our hair? Is it a way of embracing change, instead of shying away from it, taking the life change as a reminder that things won’t stay the same? Is it a complete delusion to think that a front fringe still suits you because it did when you were 11? 

Good hair days can bring great confidence. When I leave the salon after getting a fresh cut and colour, I have to resist strutting out like Cindy Crawford. The power and magic from my hairdresser’s labour transcend my ego, my hair bouncing on my shoulders. Hairdressers are responsible for a big change and a good hairdresser understands the weight of their task, taking it with great responsibility and respect.

During the appointment, you can talk about whatever you want and they will always listen. A good hairdresser always remembers your partner's name, your annoying friend’s latest ick, and your relationship with your family. A great hairdresser helps you understand why you are changing your hair and how to portray your new story/your goal/what you are looking for (change, fresh, new, trend, a cut to look like yourself). 

Embracing change isn’t always easy, and it isn’t always fun either. It sometimes isn’t even welcomed by you, or your idea in the first place. Oftentimes we get thrown into it and sometimes have no choice but deal with it. If we have learned anything from the pandemic, life is unpredictable, and life isn’t the same afterward. On a smaller scale, moving house or changing jobs is a big change, and regardless of good or bad, your life has changed. I’m not here to give you advice, if anything go for it. What’s another change?


12. The Mastermind


10. Movin’ on up