29. The dog ate my homework
I love this blog. It is the child I brought to the world with love, labour and ambition. So, it’s strange when I don’t feel like writing for it. I cower when I haven’t posted in a while and don’t acknowledge it on the LTS Instagram page. I may as well say the dog ate my homework rather than making a big fuss, it worked for a bunch of kids in high school. Jokes aside, it crushes me a little inside when I don’t contribute to the blog weekly because if I know one thing, consistency is key.
Above all else, all you hear from inspirational people and motivational speakers is that without consistency, you’re not growing. It’s a great mantra, as it should be, they’re the ones getting paid for the TedTalk after all. I also know that success can’t happen without failure (I highly recommend the podcast, How To Fail with Elizabeth Day). Failure is data collecting and sometimes without data, it can be hard to excel. Me and my type-A personality love having facts to work with however, it’s hard to decipher what kind of data I’ve collected after an uninspired week.
Perhaps that’s all the data I need right there. Without getting too earnest and open with you, dear reader, I have another public declaration this week. I am generally in a slump and some of my habits need to change to encourage inspiration. Much like last week’s confession about reading, I’m writing to find accountability from outside sources (I won’t make you track the number of inspiring things I do each week, I promise). Who am I kidding, I am the only person who can keep myself accountable for this.
I’ll blame my current habits on the dreary Melbourne winter weather for now. But better weather is too far away for me to cast the blame much longer. Besides, my dog is getting sick from eating all my homework.